What's Going On In Their Mind? You May Never Know Unless You Walk a Mile In Our Shoes


"Invisible illnesses are silent battles within us. My journey through epilepsy and a life-threatening brain tumor taught me that life is fragile. I battled violent brainstorms, surgeries, and near-death experiences. Today, I'm a survivor.

Epilepsy can turn you into a ghost, unseen by the world, but with the right techniques, you can shock the world and live fully. I urge doctors to listen, think, and collaborate with patients. Together, we can save lives.

I share clinical techniques that minimized my seizures, aiming to help others. Let's create a space for education, questions, and support, recognizing those silently suffering from invisible illnesses.

We've gotten the attention from people all around the world within each of the 7 continents.

Join Us today! Together, we can overcome nearly any obstacle."


It's About Time